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Showing posts from May, 2016

A couple of cards...

I've not been doing much at the moment; little energy combined with concentrating on writing has left me a bit drained. So this will be a short post. First of all, here's where I am on the Middle Earth stitch at present.           This is still page two. This is going to be a huge project and should serve as a reminder that I DON''T NEED ANY MORE CRAFT STUFF!!! Sorry, maybe if it's in capital letters I'll actually pay attention to it.   Case in point, I did buy a few things the other day. A shatter stencil, and some mixed media thinlit dies. In my defence (which isn't much of a defence) I did at least shop around.   Anyway, back on topic. I've also made the cards I needed for next month, namely my dads birthday and fathers day.     This is the birthday one, made using a free gift paper pad I got ages ago from a magazine. The flowers were already cut so it was just a case of assembling them, and you can ...

Finished page 3! (Not that page 3)

One week it seems like you've done nothing, the next some real progress on one project and another project finished entirely. Let's start with the cross stitch.   Page 3 is done! Not only that but you can finally see the start of a character - Beast! Only one page to go before I have to master French knots. Of course, the last page will not be started till the beginning of July, giving me a whopping six weeks to work on the Middle Earth stitch.   Now onto the next one. As I said last time, I had been working on something but it wasn't finished. Well, I finished it this morning. I started off with a white mini chest of drawers I got from Store Twenty One. They cost me £4.80. I started off by using transparent crackle texture paste and a stencil, as well as some white texture paste on the edges at the front. On one side I glued four metallic dragonflies, and on the back I glued on a cardboard piece from my stash, some beaded runners, and dotted some pe...

We have so much time and so little to do! Strike that - reverse it

Sorry I haven't been on here in a while but I haven't really been doing anything other than stitching, working, and writing, so there hasn't been much to update. I have started working on something else but it's nowhere near finished. So I thought I would update on my progress vis-a-vis the resolutions I set myself this year. Writing wise I am now at over 50,000 words. As I have said before the 500 words a day really works for me. It's a manageable chunk, and relatively simple to do. That being said, it is not always easy. There have been a few occasions when I've been too mentally exhausted to write, and have delayed it so that I write 1000 words the day after, or I have written 1000 words in advance knowing there is a 12 hour shift ahead of me. I'd speak about fizzy drinks but it's a bit redundant now. One thing I will mention is occasionally I have substituted fizzy for chocolate milkshakes, and had a few too many. These are now being cut back. ...