I made a fuck it list last year, which is essentially a bucket list, the vital difference being that you don't wait until you are terminally ill before you start. Life is short, although we do not seem to notice this until we feel death upon us. Number one on my list is to meet a boyband that i have been a fan of since i was thirteen years old. Yesterday i completed it. They always say that you should never meet your idols, as you will always be disappointed, so it was with some trepidation that i queued outside the Lakeside entrance of the NEC in Birmingham with my little brother. While waiting in the queue (and getting caught in the rain) we got chatting with a lovely woman called Chloe, who had met them once before, right at the beginning of their career in Britain in 1996. We were let in at half three, and picked up our gold VIP's and tickets. Then we had to queue according to what level we had.We met another couple of lovely women in that queue, including Nicola, who h...