Well, an insight into the mind of this particular writer anyway. I have heard many writers say that in order to write a book, in order to write anything in fact, you must live and breathe the act of writing itself. The greats have spent years perfecting their talent, honing their skills until they produce a masterpiece. Some may never write what later generations will look to when they talk about classics, others may write just one in their life. Those lucky few, the truly gifted, will inspire and emote with every sentence they put to paper. I am under no grand allusions that I will be one of the lucky few. As readers of this blog will know, I am the master of one thing; self deprecation. But for perhaps the first time ever, I am satisfied with the world that I have created in Lonely as a Cloud. More than satisfied; I am proud of it. Proud of myself. I have gone back to read it in the months since I wrote it and a part of me cannot believe that I was the one who wrote it. There's...