Well the second month of the year is almost over (I am aware that there is an extra day tomorrow but I felt like updating tonight.) and it's time for my resolution update. 1. No fizzy drinks for a year - piece of piss. I don't think I will drink fizzy ever again. 2. Exercise every day - still doing weights every morning, and either cycling or walking every day on top. Waiting for the weather to improve so I can take my bicycle out 3. Saving £250 a month - second lot put into ISA. I have decided that my monthly treats can come out of this. As an example I took the money for Feb's treat (a double bicycle bag for both me and mum) out of here so that I could get some decent ones 4. First draft of one book - writing 500 words a day every day is helping tremendously. 5. Finish Beauty and the Beast stitch - page 2 is finished! Which means as I have set aside three months for each page (plus three for the additions at the end) I am one month ahead and I can work on my Middle ...