I've got another altoid tin for you today. I decided to use my Roald Dahl papers and decoupage for this, as I have overused the Steampunk Spells a bit recently, and I want to save some of that for bigger pieces.
I decided to go relatively simple for the outside, using a green spotted paper and some chipboard letters that have been inked and glossy accented. The glitter around the side is purely because some of the altoid tin was showing through! I had some trouble lining the side of this for some reason, so much so that instead of paper I used some ribbon (strange green ribbon from the Roald Dahl collection but ribbon nonetheless!) to line the lower side. I have realised part of my problem was that I was lining it when the tin was open, thereby papering too much. Explains why my last one didn't close too.
I used multicoloured spotted paper to line the inside (the top is glittered with blue because the paper would not lie flat, I wonder if it is something to do with the paper?) I used the BFG decoupage set for the decoration within the lid.
I left the bottom empty as I actually wanted this to be used, rather than just a tin for decoration.
I've run out of altoid tins for now (rest are still full of mints) so I have decided to do something a little different over the course of the next few weeks. One of the things I received in the goody box from Countryview crafts was a project book, namely the Creative expressions project book volume two. Using the supplies I have, I am going to do my own versions of each project. I say my own versions, because for the main part I do not have most of the supplies (specific stamps, embossing powders etc) but I will try to use either the layout or the techniques within each project.
Now for the bonus I spoke about (which may not be a bonus to you but I hope you appreciate it all the same)... a small exerpt from my book! It's only a month and a half now till launch (which is triggering panic attacks but that's for another time) so it's time to incorporate it into my blog a little more.
"Now what happened to Jessica was not the thing that I regret the most about the last year. That happened after. You never think that these things are going to happen to you; even as I watched Jessica pleading the newly arrived soldiers for help from the safety of my house as she held her baby in her arms, I still didn’t think that it would happen to me. How foolish I was. The only difference between the woman I thought so unfortunate and myself is that she was able to follow her family into nothingness. I guess she was the lucky one, fortune has not favoured me thus far. One of the soldiers took Jessica’s baby and you could see the relief on her face for a fraction of a second, while she thought she had finally got the help she needed. Then the soldier tossed the baby’s tiny body into the truck. That finally broke Jessica. Where Rachel had been resigned to her fate, Jessica was going to fight it all the way. She pulled free of the other soldier, who had had a tenuous hold on her arm, and ran towards the truck. I don’t know what she had planned in her mind to do, or whether she was running on pure grief and anger, but whatever it was she never got a chance. Her screams had broken the silence; her death brought silence back. "
Emma x
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