Another t-shirt today, but it's for me! I bought a red t shirt when I bought the others, but had no idea what to do with it. I kept entertaining ideas, like cityscapes and birds but I only had a certain amount of soluble canvas, so was slightly restricted. A couple of days ago I found an Egyptian cross stitch pattern, and decided to do that. So here it is
It's only small, so the irony is I still have more canvas spare! I do have a blue and white striped shirt that I may add an anchor to. As for the Egyptian theme, maybe I was inspired when I was looking through my old holiday photos...
This was taken during my first holiday to Florida back in 2009, in the gift shop for The Mummy ride.
I've also been working on one of my other stitches, as I was having a little trouble with the holiday village. It is a sewing room, and here is the progress so far.
I'm aware that my blog is predominantly stitchy at the moment, but as I have explained before, stitching helps my anxiety, and unfortunately the summer months in Newquay bring a lot of anxiety attacks. I've been getting some ideas for other stuff though, so there will be other things in future.
Now, as for that anchor, grey or red?
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